First post of SUMMER!! I was just holding out until we actually had some brighter times around here.. apologies for the long absence. What have I been doing? Between the dog-wrangling and paint-spreading, I've found time to attend a Logging Fest, get a tattoo, canoe under the sunshine, explore the ego and eastern thought, practice my handstands, get sweaty as hell in Bikram Yoga class, and bottle the kombucha. So basically I've been exploring the worlds of country bumpkin, rock n' roller, spiritual new-ager, pretzel-like contortionist, and nutritional home-brewer. Year 32 sure has been a weird (challenging? transforming?
exciting) one!

Our pal Jon Nikki came to town from the big city and said 'I want to do something outdoorsy'.. where else could we take him besides the Shelton Forest Festival?! The highlight of the day was this guy, Dave Moses Jr.. he is one
serious chopping machine. He's so good at these lumber-sports, he's actually made it into the national finals (who knew?), to be broadcast on ESPN! I had fantasies of gathering at Ernie's Fir Cone Tavern with all the lumberjacks to root him on, but it seems that axe-wielding athletics get relegated to a 7 a.m. time slot. Bummer.

Out of the forest and into the city.. our pal Marco always hosts a Friday the 13th tattoo blowout at his shop, Lit Fuse. $13 tats = bargain alert!

Of course, there's always a catch.. Marco and crew have picked out a lovely assortment for your $13 pleasure. The theme: dead comedians. Laughing on the outside, crying on the inside..

That's Carly, getting an expertly placed Sam Kinison neck-tat from Stacie, ink-slinger extraordinaire.

And that's Marco, homie since highschool and birthday-twin to boot! Are all Sept. 21st-ers obsessed with aesthetic, visuals, color, and beauty? My informal poll says YES.

And yeah, we all know I can't resist a deal. It's in my DNA. A Richard Pryor portrait for only $13? Why not?