This is a small hot springs located way, way, wayyyyy out in the eastern Oregon outback. I loved the landscape.. the high desert, low fluffy clouds against blue sky, nice buttes, wild ponies, raptors, junipers and pines.

Rosebud liked it too. She enjoys environments best described as 'scrubby'.

We drove through Burns, Oregon, land of fantastic signage! And dreamt of getting 20 of our most creative and enterprising friends to move there with us.. land is cheap, and the Steak Castle is for sale. Wanna go?

Oh! And we met a FALCONER!! Just as he was collecting his three minions and putting them back into the truck after a beautiful sunset flight. This is a view of the less glamorous side of falconry, the shitty side.

Sunset in the high desert. Magical. I'm headed back to the studio now, after 3 months of inactivity. I hope to have ridiculous amounts of new projects and happier days to share.