Gearing up to switch over to the peaceful Year of the Rabbit from the tumultuous Year of the Tiger. Stoked!

Speaking of the new year, here's JT doing the inaugural Kamilche Polar Bear swim on 1/1/11 at 11:11 am. BRRRRRRRR. I was sidelined with a crummy cold. Next one is scheduled for 11/11/11 at 11:11. Be there!

And as for the old year, I capped it off with BOOGIEBOARDING in Maui.. yes, I, Sarah U., landlubber extraordinaire, went whizzing along waves and it was FUN.

Speaking of travels, starting off the new year with a trip to Joshua Tree is
highly recommended.

Crisp blue skies, mysterious J-Trees, piles o' slabs.. magical. And THE SUNSET!

Looking west..

..then turn your head east..

..and back west again. That, my friends, is some high-grade delicious nature crack. I'm applying for the JTNP artist-in-residency program, hopefully hopefully come this fall I can commune with the jackrabbits and roadrunners in the middle of the California desert.