Saturday, February 24, 2007

Canine Charity Gala

Dear Los Angeles,
I hope to see you tonight at Rosebud's little Fun-raiser! If I seem like a total space cadet, it's because I've been nursing a gnarly cold for the last week and am pretty much zapped. But there will still be plenty of music, art, friends, and good times to be had.. plus the very exciting last minute news that my new Poketo wallets will be arriving, courtesy of the Poketo peeps themselves, Angie and Ted!
I love you,

D.I.Y. Gallery
1218 W. Temple
Los Angeles 90026
9 p.m.

Featuring music by: Anna Oxygen, Devon Williams, and Tamala + Paloma
Art from: Myself, Stefan Simikich, Joanne Kim and more.
Cupcakes made delicious by: Sam Ott
Drinks poured w/love by: Yours Truly