Justin and I said goodbye to Leonor's, and passed on the secret of the Forever Young Salad and Golden Nugget sandwich to Tamala and Joanne.

The spirit serpent watched us depart, saying 'Sssssseeee you later, sssssssssuckersss!'

Back in Sun Valley, Joanne presented me with my very own tarot deck! And then gave me a full reading! I really want to put her in my pocket and take her to the Northwest (she's pretty little). If you look closely at the very upper right corner, you can see my card that tells of my 'natural expression': Change.
Side note: Change is symbolized by the yin-yang, encircled by a serpent. Who wants to bring back the yin-yang with me?? I'm serious.

Joanne is interpreting my tarot spread under the watchful gaze of the Great Mystic, Otis. I saw him levitate once, and if you don't believe me, ask Justin. Otis is magic.