I really, really want to get back to keeping a more consistent blog. I find it so much more fulfilling than posting blurbs on FB. Unfortunately, posting in a format with 600 daily viewers is a more efficient way for getting the word out about my art and music adventures, so I've been spending most of my online time updating in that realm. But my intention is to get back to the blogg!
This is exciting.. I just moved into a new studio space! After four years at the one-of-a-kind Dumpster Values complex, I found I was avoiding going to work there. I needed a change, something fresh and bright, to recharge my seriously withered art habits. Ask, and ye shall find! As soon as I put in my notice at DV, I ran into my super awesome friend Brandi, who just happened to mention that she had a small room in her house she wanted to rent out. Its bright and quiet, and looks out over her beautiful backyard and garden. There are two cats and one small dog! And yes, that is a painting of Crystal Gale in the works.. part of a series of fast, messy paintings of 'Ladies of the Dollar Bin'. The Lp's you see over and over again in the cheap bin at the record store. The series will be unveiled at fall Artswalk!