Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Jams

What have I been doing? This and that. I planted a garden, and it kind-of looks like what would happen if Charlie Brown tried to grow vegetables. You might think that because I am an aesthetic creature, handy with two-dimensional renderings of owls and raccoons, that my garden would look quite organized and pleasing to the eye. You would be wrong. I'm not even going to post a picture until things grow(?).. its just too embarrassing at the moment.

Oh yeah, this happened! Great night, killer lineup. The Maxines are lo-fi two piece garage awesomeness, and Hurry Up are three-piece punk radness. My old bandmate, Maggie Vail, plays bass and sings, and my new favorite drummer Kathy Foster keeps the beat. Kathy's bandmate in The Thermals, Westin, switches it up to guitar. Really great straight-forward jammers!

Kathy has the #1 best drummer hair too, in my opinion. Might there be a Hurry Up/Western Hymn tour on the horizon? Hmmmmm... stay tuned.

And here's what's on the platter for next weekend: Survival Knife's 3rd show ever, in downtown Olympia. As the Knife's unofficial 'hype-man', I implore you to check them out. Justin + Brandt from Unwound, plus (stolen from Western Hymn!) best drummer ever Kris and bass machine Meg. Someone described them as Black Flag meets King Crimson meets Unwound? That might be apt. 

Flyer by moi.