Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Crisp, Blue, Cold

We've been having our own little Fall Festival out here in Mason County (side note: did you know kids in Olympia elementaries can't have Halloween at school anymore? They have a 'Fall Festival'. So unbelievably lame.)..

Sam Ott, the Pumpkin Huntress, came up for a weekend of Kamilche fun:

We patched out.

To the max.

And here's how the halloween costumes for the Rainbow Man/John 3:16 and the Log Lady turned out:

Pretty epic!

But you know what the weirdest/creepiest part was? I grabbed this getup at Dumpster Values quickly, thinking 'this looks like a convincing Log Lady sweater'. It wasn't till later that I even noticed the giant emblem:

This is nearly the same symbol that is on Laura Palmer's ring. The Owl Cave ring. Creepy!!