Saturday, April 7, 2012

Morning Page

Awake. My front yard:

Paradise. Saltwater, big leaf maples. And the hummingbirds are back, working on the huckleberry flowers. Dock is going in soon. Small sailboat? The imminent return of the Mr. and Mrs. Osprey! Tiki torches on the deck, waiting for visitors. Jumping the gun, silly.. its April. Every year, I get psyched out by one of these days and am sure the doom rain/great grey blanket has left us. Ha! But I'm gonna indulge and pretend for a bit.. ahhhhhhhhhhhh. <---- (guttural tone of me + sunshine happiness). I tried singing 'Almost Paradise' to Ringo the cat this morning and he cut me off with a yowl. The usual!

Wicked insomnia last night, a rarity for me. Usually I can't turn off the dream machine. Tiger Head Friend stares at me from directly across the bed, but he's not the most comforting sleep-inducer.

Now: Coffee coffee coffee. Art supplies? Drive to Tacoma, maybe. Or walk the beach here at home. The tyranny of choice! Kamilche life.

ed. note: need to change profile pic from 'baby albino mouse with chemical burn' to current status of whatever it is i look like these days. ?